Our Experience
Key Clients and Contracts Overview
Engen Refinery – Durban
- Provision of engineering and supervisory personnel to perform management and coordination functions in major Turnarounds
- Provision of a Project Manager to manage the Engen Refinery CO2 Boiler Retubing Shutdown.
- Equipment monitoring, data collection, revision and preparation of Routine Maintenance Procedures on Rotating Equipment installed in the Refinery
- Atmospheric product storage tanks and related piping – Repairs and Maintenance
- Project management and mechanical and structural steel repairs on refinery equipment
- Project Engineering Services
- Working with Aptech Engineers Inc. (USA) provided Risk Directed Mechanical Integrity Services
- Provided Safety Induction training of all personnel prior to the Refinery 2011 Major Turnaround
Sapref Refinery – Durban
Chevron (Caltex) Refinery Cape Town
Chevron Refinery Consulting Assignments
Training of Chevron Contractor Personnel
Eskom Eastern Transvaal Region and Rotek Engineering
Fluor Daniel SA
John Thompson / ICAL
National Chemical Products (NCP)
Elangeni Oil
Frasers and Chalmers